Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Hello There

I have spent my entire life as one of those skinny girls that could eat what ever she wanted whenever she wanted and I could still not only fit in but also look cute in any article of clothing I just happened to pull off the rack.

Yes. I was THAT girl.

Then I turned 30...

I quit smoking after my sister died of cancer and then took a job that had me working 18-21 hours a day, 6-7 days a week (maybe some day I'll explain that, but for now just take my word for it).

It was the "perfect storm" for weight gain: turn 30, quit smoking, no time for exercise, terrible eating habits and ridiculous amounts of stress.

I went from being 5' 0" tall and 110 lbs to my current weight of 175.6 lbs. I went from a size 3 to a size 14.

Now I have a million excuses as to why I'm unhealthy and overweight.

Basically, what it boils down to is that I allowed myself to become overweight and unhealthy, this in turn kills my energy and immune system so I'm too sick and tired (literally) to work out, so I stay overweight and unhealthy... Its a vicious circle.

I have tried the gym. I have tried P90X. I have tried 10-Minute Trainer. I have tried C25k. I have even tried those silly workout videos on Comcast OnDemand. I have tried the South Beach Diet, and I have tried calorie counting.

I just get lazy and discouraged and I quit within a week.

One of my main excuses is that I'm very self conscious and I can't seem to make myself workout in front of my boyfriend of almost 10 years...

About a week ago, I was playing minecraft. I was at the bottom of a mineshaft when a pig happened to fall down it. It hit the ground next to me and exploded into pork chops... Its just a video game, and it doesn't correlate to real life at all, but suddenly that silly act of the pig exploding made me realize that I was on the same dangerous course...

So here it is.

According to this BMI Calculator I am now obese:
"You have a BMI of 34.17.

BMI is between 30-34.99 (Obese Class 1)
Individuals with a BMI of 30-34.99 are in a physically unhealthy condition, which puts them at risk for serious ilnesses such as heart disease, diabetes, high blood pressure, gall bladder disease, and some cancers. This holds especially true if you have a larger than recommended Waist Size. These people would benefit greatly by modifying their lifestyle. Ideally, see your doctor and consider reducing your weight by 5-10 percent. Such a weight reduction will result in considerable health improvements."

I'm putting this on the internet in the hopes that I can keep myself motivated.

I am going to be as honest as I can, and update as often as I feel is necessary. Some days may have multiple updates, others may have none.

Wish me luck and stay tuned for Day 1.

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